The Iraqi Prime Minister's advisor announced that the United States has maintained an exemption from sanctions on Baghdad's purchase of Iranian gas.
Gas production in the country's gas refineries and the quality of gas delivered to various consumer sectors comply with strict international standards.
The latest calculations conducted by the Research Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly show that the added value of oil and natural gas has grown by 6.5%.
The Secretary General of GECF said: "Natural gas is not just a bridge to the future, but an integral part of it, and demand for this energy carrier is expected to increase by 32% by 2050."
The CEO of South Pars Oil and Gas Company said: "The first well of the South Pars in-field drilling plan of 35 wells has been put into production with the aim of maintaining gas production from the field."
Gas consumption in the domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors is over 550 million cubic meters, accounting for 65 percent of the total gas delivered to the national network.
A spokesman for the National Iranian Gas Company announced the delivery of 852 million cubic meters of natural gas to the national network yesterday.
The CEO of the South Pars Gas Complex announced savings of 4 trillion rials as a result of the manufacturing of strategic parts and equipment by domestic companies.
The cancellation of Iraq's exemption from importing gas from Iran and the end of Iraq's electricity sector's dependence on Tehran will provide a good opportunity for the GCC countries to participate in Iraq's energy sector.
Today, the National Iranian Oil Company signed one of the largest contracts in the history of the oil industry with Petropars, Khatam al-Anbia Construction Headquarters, OIC, and MAPNA, worth approximately $17 billion.