Ariasasol Polymer Company received the Superior Corporate Governance Statue

According to Energy Press, Mohammad Reza Heydarzadeh received the statuette of the top position at the ceremony “Celebrating the Top Corporate Governance Issuers” held today (Wednesday, February 17, 1403).
On the sidelines of the ceremony, Heydarzadeh expressed his gratitude to the company’s various units for achieving this top position among the 200 OTC issuers, stating that Ariasassol always strives to receive all instructions and notifications from the Securities and Exchange Organization on time and take the necessary measures.
He referred to the instructions in the field of corporate governance and said: As soon as the instructions in this area were received, the necessary studies and reviews were conducted in this regard and the cases were notified to the relevant units.
Regarding the content and form of new reporting, the CEO of Ariasasol Polymer Company stated: The necessary consultations are always held with the Securities and Exchange Organization to prepare these reports, and ultimately the information is published in full and made available to shareholders.
First place in the first evaluation period
Based on the evaluation of the Iranian Over-the-Counter Exchange Organization, Aria Sasol ranked first among about 200 OTC companies by obtaining the highest score (100 out of 100) in the area of corporate governance.
This was the first corporate governance evaluation period of Iranian OTC listed issuers in whichAriasasol was able to take the top position.
Ariasasol Polymer Company is the only company in the petrochemical industry in the OTC market that succeeded in obtaining a corporate governance score of 100 by OTC issuers.
Accordingly, Heydarzadeh was honored and commended for Ariasasol’s smart management and worthy actions in complying with corporate governance requirements.
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