Applying restrictions for customers who consume a lot of water in Tehran

According to Energy Press, Alireza Kargari said in a press conference today that Iran is a dry country and climate change has caused an increase in water restrictions, and stated that culture-building in this field can work, according to the statistics of the Tehran Meteorological Organization in an average of 50 It has become two degrees warmer this year, so that last week the temperature reached a record in many cities of Tehran province.
Stating that water consumption has a significant relationship with temperature, he clarified: the distribution of rain in the country is not the same, besides this, the population density in Tehran is much higher than the average of the country, so we should behave differently in this situation.
The CEO of Region 5 Water and Sewerage Company, referring to the per capita consumption of water in the country, stated: urban consumption in the domestic sector is 150 liters under normal conditions, which means that one person should consume this amount on average throughout the year. This number is defined as 133 liters in drought conditions, but the average consumption in Tehran is currently 233 liters. In Tehran province, this number reaches 214 liters.
Kargari stated: The average water consumption in the cities of the country is 190 liters, which is not defined even in standard conditions, and it should be noted that the amount of consumption increases even in the hot days of the year.
Referring to the record-breaking consumption last week, he said: This year, the average consumption in Tehran reached four million cubic meters, i.e. 3.9 million cubic meters, while this number was 3.7 to 3.8 million cubic meters in previous years.
Stating that water-carrying devices play a big role in water consumption, he said: A cooler with a capacity of 5,000 with 12 hours of operation at high speed consumes water equivalent to one person, so we should choose a standard cooler and pay enough attention to the location of the cooler and its protection. be, because with the monitoring and maintenance of water devices, the amount of water consumption is reduced by 30%.
According to the CEO of Region 5 Water and Sewerage Company, if we consider only coolers, 10% of water will be reduced in the urban part of the country.
Referring to the importance of using urban wastewater, he said: the average total consumption in the country is 90% in the agricultural sector, 2% in the industrial sector and 8% in the drinking sector, while in Tehran province 51.5% is in the agricultural sector. 41.5% is consumed in the urban and rural drinking sector and 4% in the industrial sector. The average green space is also estimated at 3%.
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