Alarm of subsidence in 359 plains, due to the reduction of underground water resources

According to the Energy Press report, citing the Ministry of Energy, “Isa Bozorgzadeh”, referring to the intensification of underground water resource extraction during the past decades, said: With the introduction and use of technology and the mechanized drilling of agricultural wells, the extraction of water from wells has increased rapidly and This process is intensifying day by day.
In this context, the spokesperson of the country’s water industry added: In such a situation, the cost burden on 609 plains of the country has increased to such an extent that 422 plains are currently on the prohibited and prohibited critical list, and 359 plains of the country are facing the risk of subsidence.
Expressing his concern that subsidence has reached houses and streets in big cities today, he clarified: According to the provisions of the National Knowledge Foundation Document on Food Security and Water Road Map, the amount of withdrawal from underground water resources should be reduced by half.
Emphasizing that ignoring this issue makes it practically impossible to manage subsidence, Bozorgzadeh said: In such a situation, the loss of important aquifers in the country has accelerated and it is necessary to manage and use water optimally in the agricultural sector as the main consumer of water resources. Underground and other sectors should be put on the agenda seriously.
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