News ID: 282
Date: Sunday 29 October 2023 - 8:52

Iran’s oil exports to China hit a record

Iran’s oil exports to China hit a record
Citing the obtained data, Kepler announced the historical record of daily export of more than 1.8 million barrels of Iranian oil to China this month.

According to Energy Press, Kepler announced the record of daily export of more than 1.8 million barrels of Iranian oil to China this month.
In October, Iran was the largest exporter of oil to China after Russia and even surpassed Saudi Arabia by a significant margin.
This jump in exports is mainly due to the huge volume of oil reserves in Iran’s waters. The average daily export of Iranian oil to China in the 10 months of this year was 1,235,000 barrels, which is 84% more than the same period last year.

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