News ID: 1978
Date: Wednesday 18 September 2024 - 19:30

Forming a labor discipline committee in Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company

Forming a labor discipline committee in Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company
The director of human resources of Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company announced the formation and launch of the labor discipline committee in this company.

According to Energy Press report, Tahmasb Gholamzadeh stated in this regard: In line with the implementation of the provisions of Note “2” of Article “8” of the Work Discipline Regulations for Employees Subject to the Labor Law in the Oil Industry, which has been notified to all companies, Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company is the first company. It is at the level of the Ministry of Oil that after holding the official elections, he managed to form a labor discipline committee.
Stating that these elections were held in all the twelve centers of the regions and in more than 278 environments, including oil transfer centers, facilities and telecommunication stations scattered throughout the country, he said: by voting from the employees subject to the labor law, two people were elected as the main members and Two people were elected as alternate members (who had the majority of votes) in the position of workers’ representatives, and finally, the Labor Discipline Committee of Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company was formed.
The director of human resources of Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company considered the purpose of announcing the task of forming a labor discipline committee to standardize the process and deal with the disciplinary matters of employees working in the oil industry and said: to create a healthy environment in order to increase efficiency and promote work culture. Preserving human value and dignity and respecting the legal and human rights of employees and employers in the workplace, promoting human ethics and appropriate organizational behavior and preventing underwork or disorder and informing employees of violations and punishments, adapting and harmonizing employee punishment measures in accordance with labor and prevention laws He considered biased personal taste and opinions in dealing with employees as one of the objectives of the establishment of the Labor Discipline Committee.
Gholamzadeh clarified: The members of this committee include two representatives of the employer (human resources and legal affairs), two representatives of the employees (who will be members of the committee through elections) and one representative from among the supervisors chosen by the company management.
Stating that more than 4,000 employees subject to the labor law are working in this company, he added: The election is a 6-month process and by completing the registration process of the applicant employees, checking the qualifications and selecting the qualified candidates, preparing the tariffs and related forms. selection of supervisory boards and executive boards, preparation of ballot boxes, and finally, the voting process was carried out for 17 days with the participation of labor relations, administrative, public relations, security, and the assistance of respected managers of the regions.


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