News ID: 1948
Date: Monday 16 September 2024 - 19:43

Emphasis on comprehensive cooperation with the new management of oil industry pension funds

Emphasis on comprehensive cooperation with the new management of oil industry pension funds
Referring to the importance of empathy and interaction between associations and funds, the interim secretary of the Supreme Assembly of Associations of Retired Employees of the Oil Industry said: the secretariat of the Supreme Assembly of Associations is ready to cooperate constructively with the new management and the involved parties of the funds.

According to the report of Energy Press, citing oil industry pension funds, Ali Nikzad congratulated the new board of directors of the funds and added: “We hope to witness increasing wealth creation for the funds in the new period and the realization of service goals under the drawn macro goals.”
In another part of this message, referring to the social and cultural capacities of centers across the country, he said: interaction, empathy and follow-up of matters through the designated mechanisms, including the secretariat of the assembly, will accelerate the improvement of activities. Therefore, the temporary secretariat of the Supreme Assembly of Centers is ready to cooperate constructively with the new management and stakeholders.
Retirement centers are the companion of Amin
In this context, Jalil Rasaei, the head of the center of Fars province, also emphasized in a message that the centers, relying on laws and regulations and in the way of cooperation and cooperation, are the fulcrum of the funds in achieving the lofty goals of providing services. The atmosphere of peace and persuasion of the retired community, 25 trade unions in the country along with the oil industry pension funds are the trustees of the fund and interact in consultations and suggestions.


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