News ID: 1008
Date: Monday 13 May 2024 - 23:30

15 billion dollar development fund claims from National Oil Company

15 billion dollar development fund claims from National Oil Company
The deputy of the National Development Fund said: The demands of 15 billion dollars from the National Oil Company have not been collected.

According to Energy Press, Reza Mohammadi, Deputy Director of Investments and Resources of the National Development Fund, said: In the past years, according to upstream laws, we paid facilities to the subsidiaries of the National Iranian Oil Company. The National Iranian Oil Company did not fulfill its obligations due to various reasons, including sales conditions and sanctions.

He added: “In the past two years, we proposed different methods for exploiters; Of course, the managers of the National Oil Company claim that they have a good increase in income from their sources, meanwhile we also want our demands.

Mohammadi reminded: Our demands are about 15 billion dollars. One of the methods of extracting money was clause 3 of the 7th plan, which was not approved, but we proposed other methods to the National Iranian Oil Company and we are waiting for their response.

The vice president of investment and resource provision of the National Development Fund said: National Development Fund, as the only main fund in the field of providing foreign exchange resources of the country, plays an important role in the development of the country, and if these resources do not return, we cannot support the important projects of the country.


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