9 capital projects approved in Karun oil and gas

According to Energy Press, citing the National Iranian Oil Company, Abdolkarim Asadpour stated that the value of the nine capital projects approved in 1403 is estimated at around one trillion tomans, and said: “Among the most important projects are: “Fixing process and safety deficiencies of strategic tanks in the Ahvaz 2 region”, “Procuring and replacing 30 electro-air compressors”, “Constructing a wall around the lands of wells and fuel pits”, “Designing and constructing a fire station in the vicinity of the Abteimur and Mansouri industrial complexes”, “Outsourcing the major repairs of 10 Thermodyne gas compressors”, “Upgrading hardware and software facilities and developing network security infrastructure”, “Phase 2 of replacing the drinking water transmission network”, and “Purchasing the tools required for repairs”.
He continued: “Currently, eight statements of need with an estimated value of about 6 trillion tomans are in the approval stage of the relevant committees, and 15 capital projects with an estimated value of about 900 billion tomans are under implementation at Karun Oil and Gas Company.”
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