52% of Iran’s dam reservoirs were filled

According to Energy Press, in this blue year, from the beginning of September 2023 to August 24, 2024, the total height of the country’s atmospheric precipitation is equal to 249.8 mm. This amount of rainfall shows a 2% increase compared to the average of similar long-term periods of 243.9 mm and a 20% increase compared to the same period of the last water year of 208.8 mm.
Currently, there are 40 billion and 850 million cubic meters of water stored in the dams of the country, which shows that 52% of the capacity of the reservoirs of the dams is full, while 48% of this capacity is empty.
Of course, the water output of the dams has been increasing, so that this year it was 35.74 billion cubic meters, while last year it was 33.62 billion cubic meters, which shows a 6% increase in the output of the dams.
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